Friday, February 26, 2010


I have some music all ready on the blog. But if you really dont like it then tell me what you remember singing at the cabin and I will put it in with the rest of the songs on the blog. I want this blog to be fun to look at and also enjoyable.


Family pictures!

If you don't send in your family pics for the thank you/memoir gift then we will use what we have. START SENDING IN YOUR FAMILY PICS!

Thanks a bunch!

2007 Family Reunion!

This video is a slide show that I did of the last family reunion in 2007. Its about 3minutes and 30 seconds long. I did not add music to this one but once I put it on a dvd it will have music with it. If you want a copy let me know so I know how many to make for the family reunion.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Thank you present for after the reunion.

Hey Guys & Gals,

We want to do a little memoir gift/Thank you for coming to the reunion gift and need to have a family picture from each individual family. We would like to have all the family pictures in by the end of May so start sending them in. Please send them through email. my email is

Thanks a bunch!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Haven't paid yet?

Hey Guys & Gals

If you have not paid yet for the family reunion and you're planning on going to it. We need the money in by June 1,2010
So we can pay the rest of what we still owe on the family reunion place.

Theme for the family reunion?

Hey Guys & Gals,

I'm trying to think of a theme for the family reunion and I am having a terrible time coming up with one. This is what my mom (Carol) came up with for a theme I'M THINKING PREECE! I would like to have the family input on this. If you have a better theme send them my way.
I would really appreciate it.
I will be looking forward to those themes for the family reunion.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hey Guys & Gals,

This is information on the reunion in July.

When: July 7-10, 2010

Where: Cub River Guest Ranch (Preston ID)

There will be more information to follow. I took down the picture flyer that I had up do to safty. I will not be putting any kind of personal info up so when it comes time for directions on how to get there I will send a email with directions ( That email will go out in June) :)

Happy Trails! :)

Hi Ya!

I thought that it was a good idea to have a family blog for the family reunion that is coming up in July. So you will come here for information about the reunion. There will be no more emails about the reunion! It will all be here so you can check it on your own time for updates.

After the reunion, this blog will turn into a Preece Family History and every month or so we will post some snipits of history about the Preece's.